Who We Are

CeBIH is constituted of the upper echelon of electronic business industry practitioners in all Banks in Nigeria with its major and most important objective being the promotion of electronic banking services in line with global best practices whilst driving its adoption through right policies, standards, technologies and public awareness programs in Nigeria.

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Our Vision

“To drive the adoption of electronic banking services through the right technologies, policies, standards, innovation and public awareness”

Aims and Objectives

To articulate and contribute views on the formulation and implementation of policies, laws and regulations affecting e-Payment.
Collaborate with and advise CBN on regulations affecting e-Business in Banking in the country.
To ensure compliance by Card Associations, Vendors and suppliers to operate within the regulatory framework set by CBN.
To promote the Global Best Practices in the operations of e-Banking in Nigeria.
To encourage and facilitate a forum for interaction and exchange of information, ideas and experiences among members.
To collaborate with members, law enforcement agencies, and regulators to combat Fraud in e-Banking.
To promote public awareness on the use and value of electronic channels.
To promote interoperability of all e channels.
To ensure the attainment of Vision as articulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria
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Have you been a victim of e-Payment fraud or scam ?

If you have experienced or suspected an e-Payment fraud or scam, click on the Report Fraud button below to report the incident. We take all reports seriously and your submissions are treated with utmost privacy.